The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked controversy and debate, with many arguing that they are inherently sexist. The changes, which were introduced as part of the Digital Economy Act 2017, require all online pornographic content to adhere to strict age verification measures. While the intention behind these measures is to protect children from accessing inappropriate content, there are concerns that the regulations unfairly target and stigmatize women and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality.

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Sexist Implications of the Amendments

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One of the key criticisms of the amendments is that they disproportionately impact women and perpetuate sexist attitudes towards female sexuality. The age verification measures place the burden of responsibility on pornographic websites to ensure that their users are over 18, which has led to concerns that the regulations will result in the censorship and restriction of content that is deemed to be "harmful" or "indecent".

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Many argue that this approach is inherently sexist, as it assumes that women are incapable of making informed decisions about their own sexual expression and consumption of pornography. It also reinforces the notion that female sexuality is something to be regulated and controlled, while male sexuality is allowed to flourish without the same level of scrutiny.

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Furthermore, the amendments fail to address the root causes of harmful attitudes towards women and their portrayal in pornography. Instead of tackling issues such as the objectification and exploitation of women in the industry, the regulations place the onus on websites to implement age verification measures, effectively sidestepping the need for more comprehensive and nuanced solutions.

Impact on Women in the Industry

The amendments to the UK law on porn also have significant implications for women working in the adult entertainment industry. Many argue that the regulations will further stigmatize and marginalize female performers, making it more difficult for them to access and distribute their work. This could have serious economic and social consequences for women in the industry, as it may limit their ability to earn a living and express their sexuality in a safe and consensual manner.

Additionally, the amendments fail to consider the diverse range of content produced by women in the adult entertainment industry. By imposing blanket age verification measures, the regulations risk censoring and restricting content that is created by and for women, further perpetuating harmful stereotypes about female sexuality and limiting the opportunities for women to express themselves in a meaningful and empowering way.

Alternative Approaches to Regulation

Many critics of the amendments argue that a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to regulating online pornography is needed. Rather than focusing solely on age verification measures, there is a growing call for a more holistic approach that addresses the underlying issues of exploitation and harmful portrayals of women in the industry.

This could involve working closely with industry professionals to develop ethical standards and guidelines for the production and distribution of pornographic content, as well as supporting initiatives that promote positive and diverse representations of female sexuality. By taking a more proactive and collaborative approach to regulation, it is possible to create a safer and more inclusive environment for women working in the industry, while also protecting children from accessing inappropriate content.


The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked debate and controversy, with many arguing that they are inherently sexist and fail to address the root causes of harmful attitudes towards women and their portrayal in pornography. The regulations place disproportionate burdens on websites and performers, further stigmatizing and marginalizing women in the industry.

It is clear that a more comprehensive and nuanced approach to regulating online pornography is needed, one that addresses the underlying issues of exploitation and harmful portrayals of women. By working collaboratively with industry professionals and supporting initiatives that promote positive and diverse representations of female sexuality, it is possible to create a safer and more inclusive environment for women working in the industry, while also protecting children from accessing inappropriate content.